How to Access URL Parameters Using React Router 6React Router version 6 introduces several powerful new features, as well as improved compatibility with the latest versions of React. It…Nov 27, 2021Nov 27, 2021
12 Ways to Create JavaScript VariablesHave you ever wonder how many ways you can create variables in JavaScript? Or in any programming language? To this day, the things that I…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
Order of Execution in a For LoopThe For Loop is not only the most important and widely used loop in all modern computer languages, but perhaps the most cleverly invented…Nov 3, 2018Nov 3, 2018
The “formation” attribute in HTML5Using HTML5’s “formaction” attribute, you can have an unlimited number of Submit buttons in a Web form and have each button link to a…Nov 3, 2018Nov 3, 2018
How to iterate through an array of objects using JavaScriptYou have an array of objects. If you want to grab only the LAT and LNG values for a matching ZIP (as the key), you can easily use the for…Nov 3, 2018Nov 3, 2018
Three most common units of measurements in HTML: px, em, %Every language has its own units of measurements, but nothing like that of HTML. You have three options so choose them wisely.Nov 3, 2018Nov 3, 2018
Capitalize first letter of a word using JavaScript for the Novice DeveloperThere are several ways to format a string but most common ones involve the handling of capitalization. The follow two cases format a…Nov 3, 2018Nov 3, 2018
How to access an Array of Objects using TypeScript or JavaScript.TypeScript and JavaScript are similar in many ways. That is because TypeScript is a newer computer language — a superset of JavaScript —…Oct 26, 2018Oct 26, 2018
Using Sessions to Maintain State in PHPHTTP is a stateless protocol, thus making any static web page stateless. The essence of statelessness is still a challenge for many…Oct 26, 2018Oct 26, 2018